Pioneering Voices & the US election

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I’m emerging this week from a lack of sleep. Why? because the American election race was mesmerising. to me. I’ve had a great set of commentators link in to my BBC Radio show over the past few days.who were also locked into the news networks as the voting results came in. First up was one of the founders of the Afropunk movement Honeychild Coleman, who a is Brooklyn based musician. She shared her pre election audio diary. with us. as did the celebrated historian A’Lelia Bundles - great great granddaughter of America’s’ first self made millionaire Madam C J Walker. A’Lelia sent over her audio diary the day after the election. On the same day , I was on a zoom call with one of my TV buddies Zosia, I learned from her that the person over seeing the observation of the elections grew up down the road from me and so Urzsula Gacek, head of The OSCE Mass Observation Mission to the US elections gave me a truly fascinating insight into the voting process. And then the pioneering lawyer & co-creator of the Rooney Rule Cyrus Mehri gave his predictions of who and what to take note as the state results came in, and he was on point when he told us that Stacey Abrams was a game changer in her approach to galvanising the dis engaged to vote. To hear these pioneering voices listen into The People US Election 2020 episodes here via BBC Sounds.


Black History Month 21